Our focus is to develop and
implement strategies that are practical, sustainable and allow
organizations to achieve their full potential. Our consultants have
long histories of working closely with senior executive teams of
firms of all sizes to help their companies not only be successful,
but achieve performance that stands out relative to
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Sensitivity of Drilling Economics to Oil and Natural Gas
These four sensitivity plots are just a small sample of the ecomomic
analysis that we have performed for oil and gas shale plays. We have literally hundreds of economic analysis
dating back over the past 10 years, which provides strong insight on the
evolution of tecnology, techniques, costs, and well performance. We
use up-to-date assessments to not only evaluate current rates of return, , but
to also compare with the historical
record, which gives us unparalled insight into the power of technological
improvement across the industry.
The sensitivities below reflect the
oil and gas prices needed to achieve a 20% AFIT assuming all else is equal
(capex, opex, production taxes, royalties, etc.). This approach has
proved particularly powerful in forecasting oil and gas prices, and in
projecting, which parts of which plays are going to be the most active going
Economic Comparison of Shale Plays: Price Sensitivity Plot, Oil Play 1
Economic Comparison of Shale Plays: Price Sensitivity Plot, Oil Play 2
Economic Comparison of Shale Plays: Price Sensitivity Plot, Gas, Play 3
Economic Comparison of Shale Plays: Price Sensitivity Plot, Gas, Play 4
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