Hawkinson Technology Demonstration Pilot - Bakken
Continental Resources

The idea is to evaluate several different variables in a
concentrated area. The variables include well spacing,
frack fluid, amont of sand, frack rate, zipper fracks, etc.
The key to the evaluation is the use of microseismic
technology, which allowed Continental Resources to evaluate in
real time the effectiveness of the new ideas. Using
MicroSeismic in such a way is dependent upon the capability to
store vast amounts of data, the ability to rapid access the
data, and powerful processers to then process the data in a
timely fashion.
Bakken: Filling in the Blanks

Each of the blue lines represents a separate induced frac as
identified by real time, microseismic data. As firms get
better drilling long laterals with onshore equipment, The
focus now becomes one of how best to fill in the black space
between the blue lines. To do this, firms are
investigating a wide range of variables, including, how many
stages, distance between stages, fluid type, amount of sand
per stage, how that sand is placed, etc. Key to determining
which changes make a difference is real time microseismic.