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Utica Dry Gas "Super" Play
Consol Energy Gaut 4IH Well

   Utica "super" shale web page

 Southern Dry Utica "Super" Shale:  Location Map for the Consol Gaut 4IH

As reported in a transcript of the Consol conference call of July 28, 2015, the Gaut 4IH had a, " maximum flowing pressures exceeding 9000 pounds and a 24 hour flow rate in excess of 61 million cubic feet a day. During the 24 hour flow test, the pressures never dropped below 7500 pounds."
Dry Utica: Completion Details, Consol Gaut 4IH, map
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 Rate and Pressure Date for the  Consol Gaut 4IH 24 hr well test.
In short the rate and pressure data are incredibly strong.  In fact, it seems to us the executives quoted to the left, underplayed just how strong this well is and the implications associated with it being a 50 mile stepout versus the other high volume dry Utica wells to the southwest. 

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