Oil Supply/Demand Fundamentals |
US Crude Oil Inventory
2022 US Crude Oil Inventory Levels Compared With 5 Year History

Click on the image for full size version |
US Crude Oil Cross Year Comparison of Inventory Changes for
Specific Weeks in the Inventory Cycle

Click on the image for full size version |
WTI Oil Price at Cushing: 1 Year
 Click on the image for full size version |
US Oil Production
US Daily Oil Production as Reported Weekly by the EIA
on 1 year and 5 year Timeframes

Click on the image for full size version |
US Daily Oil Production as Reported Weekly by the EIA
on 10 year and 40 year Timeframes (Note: Between October, 2019
and March 2020, the US was producing more oil per day
than any other country had in history, including the USSR)

Click on the image for full size version
Reported Oil Production for Main Non-Conventional Oil Regions

Click on the image for full size version
USA Gulf of Mexico Production - Federal Waters
 Click on the image for full size version
For more information about oil and gas activities in the US Gulf
of Mexico (GOM), including current drilling rig locations, and
production profiles for most of the large deep water fields,
go to our GOM web page, here. For the really adventurous
and curious, check out the 3D tools and models we have developed
to multidimensionally visualize the GOM. We use these
representations in our work to give a sense as to how deep is
deep when discussing the Gulf of Mexico deepwater sector.They
can be accessed
here and
here. Note, these are large files that require a
hi-speed internet connection and some patience. It may take 10 -
15 seconds for each to load. Enjoy! (FYI: the
3D images are zoomable and roamable,
and can be rotated for better viewing angles. Map controls:
to rotate use the left mouse button, to zoom in/out use the
mouse wheel, and to roam use the right mouse button. ) |
US Demand for Oil and Associated Products
Daily Implied US Total Product Demand as Reported in the Weekly
EIA Updates

Click on the image for full size version |
2022 US Total Petroleum Inventory Levels vs 5 year History
(Total petroleum includes crude oil, gasoline, distillate,
propane, natural gas liquids, etc.)
 Click on the image for full size version |
Brent Oil Price: Short Term
 Click on the image for full size version |
Daily Implied US Gasoline Demand as Reported in the Weekly EIA

Click on the image for full size version |
US Gasoline Inventory Levels Compared with 5 Year History

Click on the image for full size version |
Gasoline Price ($/gal) RBOB, Los
Angeles Harbor
 Click on the image for full size version |
Daily Implied US
Distillate (Diesel) Demand as Reported in the Weekly EIA
Click on the image for full size version |
US Distillate Inventory Levels Compared with 5 Year History

Click on the image for full size version |
Diesel Price ($/gal) No2, Ultra Low
Sulfur, Los Angeles Harbor

Click on the image for full size version |
US Demand for

Click on the image for full size version |
2020 US Jet-Kero Inventory Levels vs 5 year History

Click on the image for full size version |
Kerosene Type Jet Fuel Price ($/gal),
Gulf Coast Delivery

Click on the image for full size version |
US Demand for Propane
 Click on the image for full size version |
2020 US Propane Inventory Levels vs 5 year History
 Click on the image for full size version |
Propane Price ($/gal), Mont Belvieu
 Click on the image for full size version |
US Supply of Renewable Fuels (primarily ethanol)

Click on the image for full size version |
Daily Production in the US of Natural Gas Liquids (Ethane,
Propane, Butane, etc.)

Click on the image for full size version |
US Crude Oil Exports and Imports
US Daily Crude Oil Exports: 1 and 5 Year Perspectives

Click on the image for full size version |
US Daily Crude Oil Imports: 1 and 5 Year Perspectives

Click on the image for full size version |
US Crude Oil Trade Balance The crude oil trade balance
is steadily improving as US oil exports continue to grow.

Click on the image for full size version |
Economics of North American Oil and Gas
Development (including the shales)
North American Oil Supply Curve

Click on the image for full size version Please
contact us at
insight@energy-cg.com for a version of the supply curve slide with
prices, play names, and volumes. |
Oil Price Versus US Oil Rig Count

Click on the image for full size version
US Oil and Gas Development Activity (including
rig counts and number of working frac crews)
USA Onshore Drilling Activity Map (county level)

Click on the image for full size version |
International Oil Production *
* Oil production includes the production of crude oil (including lease
condensate), natural gas plant liquids, and other liquids. Other
Liquids includes biodiesel, ethanol, liquids produced from coal, gas,
and oil shale, Orimulsion, blending components, and other hydrocarbons
USA Oil Production: crude, NGL and other (biofuels)
 Click on the image for full size version |
Russia Oil Production: crude, NGL and other (biofuels)
 Click on the image for full size version |
OPEC Member Country Oil Production
 Click on the image for full size version |
OPEC Plus Oil Production
 Click on the image for full size version |
Saudi Arabian Oil Production and Reserves

Click on the image for full size version
More information regarding production, field maps and locations,
attacks on oil fields and infrastructure, infracstructure,
Ghawar, shale gas, etc. is at this link |
Iranian Oil Production and Reserves

Click on the image for full size version
More information regarding production, field maps and locations,
oil infrastructure, sanctions, etc. is at this link.
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