The Energy Consulting Group

A management consultancy focused on the upstream oil and gas industry, specializing in oil and gas asset valuation, reserve definition and quantification, and new technology development and use.

Our specialized E&P economic analysis tools, include sophisticated 3-product production modeling capabilities, geologic risk modules, and effortless scalability, allowing us to seamlessly transition the economics from individual wells, to pads, to projects, to company scale.  Our extensive experience in doing this type of work provides us with an in-depth understanding of operating and capex costs, royalty rates, oil and gas production(severance) taxes, property (ad valorem) taxes, country fiscal terms (including, amongst others Argentina, Russia, China, UK, Norway, Mexico, Australia, Indonesia, etc.)  Also, the program architecture is easily modifiable, allowing us to quickly and easily build a custom oil and gas economics analysis tool for any client, for any situation.
Our focus is to develop and implement strategies that are practical, durable and allow organizations to achieve their full potential. Our consultants have long histories of working closely with senior executive teams of firms of all sizes to help their companies not only be successful, but achieve performance that stands out relative to peers.

A key part of our approach is developing in-depth understanding of the activity trends in the industry. We use oil and gas well and rig counts, detailed infrastructure mapping (pipelines, process facilities, compression stations, etc.), supply/demand fundamentals, and thorough economic analysis to develop the fact base that senior executives can rely upon to develop and execute business strategies with confidence.

Contact us at to find out how we can help you.  Alternatively, we can arrange a complimentary teleconference consultation.

Typical clients, include: